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Who Reviewed the Body Book by Cameron Diaz

Hope y'all had a great weekend! Buckle upward for a long one today!

It'southward time for our second official book review of an A Lady Goes Westward Volume Lodge book, and this time we're talking about "The Torso Book" by Cameron Diaz. Rather than do a directly review, I wanted to put this data into a post with tips and insight for anyone, whether you lot've had a chance to read the volume or not, because there'southward some great content in the book worthy of sharing.

Book review of "The Body Book: The Constabulary of Hunger, the Science of Strength and Other Ways to Dearest Your Amazing Body" by Cameron Diaz

Review of The Body Book by Cameron Diaz - by A Lady Goes West

This volume is several years old (from 2013), but I had always heard good things and so I really wanted to read it. Here's the deal with this book — information technology somehow is good for people with all levels of health and fitness noesis — from the newbie to the more well-versed. While I was mode into it for the showtime one-half, I found that I lost a chip of interest toward the 2d half, equally it started to slow downwardly a bit in the middle — just overall, it'southward full of delicious and easy-to-understand valid information that you don't e'er see in all the latest trendy wellness articles y'all may read online. I'm talking details on your cells, the intestines, micronutrients, the functions of certain muscles in the body, how the eye works, real chemistry and and so much more.

In this book, in that location is no goal to reach in 7 days of 30 days or 365 days. The goal here is forever. And what yous will earn is measured not in pounds or inches lot, but in what yous volition proceeds.

In that location's a ton of scientific discipline in "The Trunk Book" and it's well-written for sure. The capacity are broken upward this style …

  • Office 1: Nutrition – Love Your Hunger
  • Part 2: Fitness – The Body Wants to exist Strong
  • Office three: Mind – You've Got This

Cameron Diaz, a Hollywood celeb and an unlikely writer, wrote the book because she grew up pretty unhealthy and when she finally started exercising and learning almost nutrition, her whole life changed, and she wanted to share it with the world. She used a co-writer, and together they created a textbook. A skilful one. And she says:

Educating yourself almost your trunk is one of the nigh important things that you lot can do. Because nutrition and fitness and awareness and discipline are non merely words: they are tools.

I love the fact that this volume is well-nigh agreement the scientific discipline of the body to have the power to know the truth — rather than have to be a bystander hearing a bunch of misinformation.

3 cheers for being knowledgable and empowered to take your health and fitness into your own hands. Now let's get to those facts.

The facts

ane. The actual health benefits of exertion, do and movement

Our bodies are meant to move. And exercise is Manner more than improving your aesthetics.

Even though mod order is trying to make everything we need in life as convenient as possible and then that we don't take to leave our chairs, we're built to move, to seek, to hunt, to build and to find. So you've got to motion! In add-on to exercise, moving effectually during the day is central. And how cool is it to run across the actual tangible benefits of a walk, workout or physical game?

Hither's what happens when you offset to practise and move, pulled directly from the book.

Within seconds of exerting yourself (exercising) …

Your heart rate increases, blood is delivered to your muscles, y'all start called-for carbs and fat for fuel, you lot get an nearly immediate mood boost and you breathe faster and deeper, making more than oxygen available to your working muscles.

An hour after exerting yourself …

You've strengthened your immune system, your mood is still boosted and your torso continues to burn energy at a higher rate (your metabolism is increased).

Later in the evening after exerting yourself …

Your muscles are recovering and rebuilding, your blood lipid (cholesterol triglycerides) profile volition improve, your body will clear glucose more rapidly from the blood, which prevents hearts affliction and diabetes, you feel alarm and focused and your sleep quality will improve.

A week into your exercise program …

Yous have improved your endurance and aerobic fitness (you tin can go longer and harder than earlier), your body is benefiting from a stronger allowed system, a improve mood and lower blood pressure level.

Three to half dozen months into your exercise program …

Yous've improved the fettle of your heart and lungs, your eye rate is lower at residue and recovers more rapidly after exercise, you have improved the size and strength of your muscles, yous've decreased your body fatty, you've reduced your risk of diabetes, center illness, cancer and osteoporosis, you've reduced your risk of low, anxiety and stress and you've improved your overall quality of life.

I hateful, wow. That's a HOST of benefits just from moving your torso more than often and more regularly.

The takeaway: Everyone needs to exercise in some way. Y'all don't have to go hard, yous don't have to go to a gym, just you must motility. Being agile all day (rather than sitting) is important, only so are little sessions of getting your heart-rate up regularly. It's not just most appearance, it'south well-nigh all of the benefits for your body and mood and life shown to a higher place. How to starting time? A daily power walk, maybe 15-xx minutes, swinging your arms and going a quick stride. And then yous can add on from at that place.

2. You are what you consume. Literally.

Our bodies are fabricated of cells. Our cells need nutrition. We get nutrition from nutrient, and food has macronutrients (carbs, fats and proteins) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). Withal, a lot of what we've started eating in the modern American diet isn't helping united states, it's pain us. It'southward devoid of those important micronutrients. Cameron says …

Just because y'all can put something in your oral cavity, chew it, swallow it, and then poop it out doesn't mean it'due south food. It just means yous can chew information technology, swallow, and poop information technology out.


As nosotros've created more convenience in our lives and let other people become responsible for our diet and make what we call "food" over the past 100 years (aye fast food and packaged nutrient has not been around very long), we've lost the true knowledge we demand of seeking out, preparing and eating quality and real food for ourselves.

When Cameron was younger she ate a ton of fast food. She was always pretty skinny so thought she was just lucky, but she struggled with acne, low energy, bloating, poor digestion, etc.. When she finally started eating mostly whole real foods instead of packaged, processed and fast foods — her skin cleared up, the brain fog lifted and she felt like a new person. She realized that you really are what you lot eat. The quality of the food she consumed straight related to how she felt and how she saw life too.

The food we swallow over the course of the day creates the experiences we have that twenty-four hour period. Because what we eat carries the stuff of life — our lives.

Although fast food and junk is on every corner, that doesn't mean we should be eating it regularly. While I'one thousand not saying (and Cameron is non saying) that you can't swing through a drive-through every at present and again, information technology shouldn't be the base of your diet. Eating foods that you cooked or that someone else healthily cooked for you is a smarter choice, when food is closer to its natural country. Similar scrambled eggs, sliced apple and avocado and even some grilled fish. This type of meal feeds your cells macronutrients and valuable micronutrients Way improve than a fast food meal or processed food full of chemicals, artificial colors and preservatives, which disrupts your hormones and actual functions, ultimately leaving you feeling like garbage.

Nutrition is truly worth your attention. And this book is a peachy reminder, that if you are having health issues — wait to your nutrition to brainstorm, rather than immediately searching for medicine.

The takeaway: Eat more fruits, veggies, lean meats, whole grains and nutrient in its natural state in order to get all the valuable micronutrients and feed your cells the fashion nature intended. If y'all're a big processed nutrient/fast food eater — replace merely one meal or snack a day with fruit or a home-cooked meal to start and go from at that place.

three. Quick facts

The nearly common food deficiency in the world is iron deficiency, which causes anemia.

  • Women are more likely to be deficient than men, and pregnant women, vegetarians, people with abdominal disorders who tin can't absorb iron or women with heavy periods are more likely to be anemic. Tiredness, dizziness, shortness of breath, cold hands and feet and rapid heartbeat are symptoms. Foods that boost your fe include meat, fish, poultry, whole grains, eggs, legumes, dried fruits, night leafy veggies like spinach, collard greens and kale, fortified cereals and grains. The body needs a footling help to blot iron from constitute sources, so add vitamin C to assist with the procedure, by including lemon juice, strawberries or tomatoes when you're eating your iron-full veggies.

Your digestive system is the epicenter of your health.

  • When you consume or drink, the food or liquid enters a tube in your mouth, which is approximately 30-anxiety long inside the body, and digestion can have up to 72 hours total, depending on your torso type and what or how much you've eaten. The healthier your digestive system, the better information technology processes nutrient and absorbs the nutrients from the food. Digestion begins in the mouth with chewing, continues down the esophagus and into the breadbasket — in the stomach food is mixed with gastric juices and enzymes, and then much of the digestion and absorption of nutrients happens in the small intestine. A lot of stuff goes on in the small-scale intestine, with assist from the pancreas likewise, and macronutrients are broken down in that location too. From there, everything moves to the liver, and then finally the energy that is extracted from the food is delivered to your cells via blood, and your torso eliminates the excess leftover waste matter in three ways: sweat, pee and poop. (This is a tiny bit of an over-simplification, but a helpful way to look at digestion, notwithstanding.)

Your torso is trying to talk to y'all and your body wants to survive.

  • Many people try to ignore what their bodies are saying, merely really your body is talking to yous. Your trunk has created a lot of warning signs to alarm you when things aren't quite right. For example, you lot may get indigestion when yous swallow something that isn't the all-time for your body, y'all may become a headache when you're dehydrated, and you become sleepy and your eyes close when you're tired and need more rest. It's our chore to larn to pay attending to these signals from the torso and answer and answer naturally — without just jumping to medicine and quick fixes. If you have trouble listening to your torso, effort to take time to relax, make space, sit down quietly and run across how your body feels. Breathe a lot and deeply, in through your nose and out through your mouth and just soak it up and think almost what your torso is saying to you. It may sound blusterous, only I retrieve it's a great idea to check in with your trunk as much as you can. Makes so much sense, correct?

Pros of "The Body Volume"

  • The scientific discipline. The chemistry. The research.
  • The writing. I love the personal stories from Cameron and her career, mixed in with the facts and research. It's pretty enjoyable, especially when she throws in tidbits from filming movies and getting in shape for roles. In fact, it was her function in "Charlie Angel's" that forced her to go into fitness to set for the stunts, and she never looked back.
  • Affiliate 10 — All nearly what unlike micronutrients do for your torso and which foods you can get them from. Such a helpful listing.
  • Chapter 21 — All about the lady parts. An essential chapter for women to read and soak up nearly your trunk, period, hormones and more. And so much yeah to this chapter and monitoring and understanding your cycles!
  • The concluding portion, all near listen/body connection talks and so much about loving yourself, aging gracefully (YESSS), how to repast prep, acquire to observe fitness activities that piece of work for you and how to slow down and relax. It's the perfect end to a pretty compact book with existent tips y'all tin can use. Love that.

Cons of "The Body Volume"

  • Not besides many.
  • Because it's a few years old, there aren't whatsoever sections of some of the latest Eastern techniques, holistic medicine or whatever of the popular diet crazes. While I don't want to read about keto or intermittent fasting again, I do think some new inquiry has come up out about some of the food choices she mentions. For instance, Diaz suggests soy milk equally a great way to get calcium and protein, and I mean, nobody's drinking soy milk any longer. Are you lot? However, being armed with the knowledge of good nutrition and good movement will always exist relevant.
  • Oh and Cameron doesn't like sugar foods and talks a lot about the danger of sugar. I know the danger of carbohydrate. Simply I won't live a life without dessert, then I didn't especially latch onto that section. 🙂

Review of The Body Book by Cameron Diaz - by A Lady Goes West

Overall thoughts on "The Trunk Volume"

Overall, I really loved that this is a celebrity-based health book, only it's full of facts and non fluff. I absorbed a lot of new stuff, had a refresher of some of the things that I've learned while studying to become a certified personal trainer, and merely felt motivated to alive my all-time life — taking control of my torso with what I eat and how I move — ultimately thinking about how the body really works.

And once you know how your cells need micronutrients and your body needs to move — that doesn't mean you tin can't accept cake and lounge days — information technology only means you lot try to brand the best choices you can most of the time, and sometimes the right choice for you will be to striking up Taco Bell with your friends, but MOST of the fourth dimension, it won't be.

"The Body Book" is definitely a valuable book, and 1 that I'll continue on the bookshelf to refer back to in the future when I need it. And if you know someone trying to learn more than about their health and alter their life, I'd totally recommend gifting them a copy.

I see that Cameron worked on another book "The Longevity Volume: The Science of Aging, the Biological science of Forcefulness and the Privilege of Time" and I only may have to read that ane too, because it'south on a very important topic we need to see more of in wellness.

We're going to read something MUCH lighter for the next A Lady Goes West Book Club, and then hop on over and bring together the group if y'all're interested.

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Thanks and then much for reading! Have an crawly day, my friends!

And for my friends doing the button-upwardly challenge, keep up the Not bad work getting stiff!

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Questions of the 24-hour interval

Have you read "The Body Book"? What did you think?

Fiction or non-fiction, what's your favorite to read?

Do you take any recommendations for the side by side volume club book? Fiction or non?
