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Funny Video Girl Jumping on Frozen Lake


A recent video is going viral on the internet of a Russian girl from Balashikha, not far from Moscow jumping on a frozen lake. Her name is Viktoria Kushnir and her epic fail has now spread far and wide across the internet. There are already 20 millions views on Twitter, Reddit and YouTube and it is one of the most famous funny video in weeks.

Footage shows Viktoria stripping to her underwear before discarding her hat and running across a boardwalk towards the lake.


She can be seen leaping in a 'bomb' position - holding her hands under her knees - before slamming into the rock hard ice coating the stretch of water.

"I didn't see that it was frozen, I didn't get bruises, my leg was hurt the most (a fracture). I didn't do it for video, just for myself, but it turned out so good, I decided to share it. I don't mind, I can laugh at my misfortunes and at misfortunes of others," Kushnir said on VK.

The video is also one of the most commented. Bemorepanda has gone though the conversations and has selected top 20 most liked by the reddit community:


She is the stick everybody else is testing with.


"In former Soviet Russia ice breaks you"


That's not even the part that bothers me... it's the fear that going in with forward momentum and coming up under the non broken ice


Would things have been better for her if she went thru? What was the best outcome here??


Q:What do you call two blondes jumping into a frozen lake A:Frosted flakes


escort money + drugs


Alcohol and water don't mix... I guess you could say ice and alcohol


A cool crisp winters day,

A beautiful blonde,

With body displayed.

A tight fit bikini,

With a hat on top,

Began a sequence,

That couldn't be stopped.

She leapt off the ground,

Destination the lake.

However the ice,

Failed to break.

A cool crisp winters day.


To be fair breaking the ice and falling in frozen water without anyone ready to assist (except the cameraman) wouldn't have been a more desirable outcome.


A big part of me believes the cameraman would continue filming even if she started to show signs of distress.


She's from Florida. All the signs add up.

Though popular, the clip has a long way to go before reaching the virality of the original ice bomb fail courtesy of German band Syskill, whose video has amassed over 32 million views in the six years since it was posted.





The village is located in the northernmost part of the Arkhangelsk region and is regularly raided by wild animals. Often these are polar bears who occupy landfills and even enter houses.

"Belushya Lipa" is called the village.            

It is a small military town with 2,500 inhabitants. Located on Novaya Zemlya (about 1800 km from Moscow), near the habitat of polar bears.

The problem is that these aggressive predators are listed in the Red Book and you cannot get rid of them by force. According to the Wildlife Fund, their population on the planet now numbers only 22,000 - 31,000 individuals.

They are not afraid of anything. They calmly enter buildings and look into the windows, - say local residents.

On footage from the Internet, you can observe how groups of 20-30 animals swarm around in garbage dumps near residential buildings. Unfortunately, such a neighborhood is fraught with human health.

All of this is due to climate change. The ice melts and forces animals to move around the area in search of food. People and predators are increasingly meeting each other.

Local leaders regularly declare a state of emergency and advise people to stay at home if predators approach the village.

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